Monday, May 10, 2010


I never have realized how much hard work you have to put into your game. Also into everything you do. I was asked to work at the prom and I did. Working was hard, carrying glasses back and forth from the tables to the kitchen, but now I realize how hard it is to have a job if your one of the only ones trying. When the guys in the kitchen would get the dishes washed before I was done bringing dishes back, I had to speed up.

Working at the prom made me realize that you have to work as a team to get your job done. Its just like Globaloria working as a team. Also its not just your team who moves you along, its the other teams too. I've noticed that people have been giving ENCOURAGING comments to my team and its really cool to see how every works together. So open your eyes and see who is helping you.


  1. I really like the post. I agree with you. It reminds me of how you always help me with my Flash problems. Thank you so much!!!!

  2. Awesome blog Sarah!!! You are very mature and wise in your old....err, I mean young age...Ms.LEEF
